The Beginningsof LBSCFI

From a backwoods town with a small agricultural college established in 1909, Los Baños has evolved into the science mecca that is today. The Los Baños Science Community (LBSC) was established in 1984 by ten public and private development institutions. It has since grown into an organisation of 22 member-agencies.
LBSCFI’s vision is to build a prosperous, environmentally-conscious, scientifically-oriented, humane, and united community, living in harmony with nature.
Last March 23, 2011, the LBSC was duly registered by the Securities Exchange Commission as the Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Incorporated (LBSCFI), which grants juridical personality to the Corporation. Now, the LBSCFI continues to facilitate transfer and adoption of S&T research outputs and services generated by its member agencies to clients and users through various projects.